LLamamiento a humoristas gráficos

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El Concejo de Medios de Kenia quiere lanzar una ley - seguramente , en connivencia con el gobierno - para impedir la publicacion -en distintos medios- de notas firmadas por periodistas que no tengan un titulo universitario habilitante.

Con esto, es obvio que quieren achicar el personal , ejercer la censura, impedir la libertad de expresion y controlar el tenor de notas publicadas , para que sólo lleven la firma de periodistas simpatizantes con el discurso oficialista. En todo caso, quieren quitar del medio a las opiniones más criticas.

Esta "brillante" idea keniata , no solo dejaría sin trabajo a cantidad de periodistas sino que quita del camino a todos los humoristas graficos que pueden caricaturizar la accion del gobierno, ya que virtualmente no existen titulos habilitantes ni diplomas oficiales para ser humorista grafico.

Esto sucede hoy en Kenia, y puede suceder en cualquier momento en cualquier pais.

Cartoonists Rights Networks ( Red por los Derechos del Humorista Grafico ) nos pide que inundemos con este tema el website de CRNI, enviando todos los cartoons que podamos que ilustren nuestra postura y opinión ante esta alarmante situacion , a Bro Russell, director general de CRNI mayte6@aol.com, por favor, en una resolución de 300 dpi.

Tu dibujo va a mostrarle a los censores del mundo que no estamos dormidos , desde http://cartoonistrights.com/ se agradecerá a los dibujantes de todo el mundo los envíos.

El mío se empieza a pensar desde ya...no olvides enviar algo.

Info remitida por Ana von Rebeur ,CRNI Argentina

Para ver correo original en inglés de CRNI pulsa el maldito MORE

We have another interesting case that involves not an individual cartoonist but nothing less than the fate of political cartooning in Kenya.

A Media Council bill is being proposed that has an article that would limit recognition of journalists to those who hold a degree from an accredited college or media school. Curiously, this was proposed by the media owners themselves, but our local representative in Kenya can[t find out why. None of them are returning his emails.

It is rare for a cartoonist to hold a degree in journalism. If this bill is passed and adopted, cartoonists in Kenya will be denied recognition as journalists and they can then be attacked and prosecuted more easily. It seems that laws to protect journalists in general may then be held as invalid when protecting a cartoonist. Other countries will look at this bill and they may find it convenient to throttle the freedom of cartoonists to make satire against politicians. It is a dangerous threat to our profession and freedom of expression.

I think the Media Owners in Kenya are:

  • shooting themselves in the foot,
  • tying the knot in their own noose,
  • treating cartoonists as country cousins,
  • working in collusion with politicians to prevent cartoonists from making fun of politicians,
  • betraying the ethics of journalism,
  • kicking cartoonists out of the family of journalists,
  • showing their ignorance about the power of cartoons,


You can see what I'm getting at.

CRNI calls for a flood of cartoons on the subject to be part of our lobbying efforts against his bill and in defense of free speech in Kenya.

It is Kenya today, it might be your country tomorrow. Lets stop this kind of exclusionary and elitist thinking in its tracks immediately.

Sen us a 300 DPI scan of your cartoons to be included in letters to the Kenya President and the Media Owners and in other methods we may adopt to try to stop this bill or at least have the "anti-cartoonist" features taken out. You will get a "thanks" certificate from us and the cartoon will be in the CRNI archive of free speech cartoons.

Please pass this to other groups of cartoonists you may feel would want to respond.


Dr. Robert Russell
Executive Director
Cartoonists Rights Network, International
Box 7272
Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039 USA
Tel: 703 543 8727
email: mayte6@aol.com
Web: http://cartoonistrights.com/
With Affiliate Representatives in Asia, Africa,
the Middle East, South America
and Canada

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3 comentarios en «LLamamiento a humoristas gráficos»

  1. Si es que está muy claro que los humoristas gráficos sois la peor gentuza que se pueda uno echar a la cara.
    El gobierno keniata ya se ha puesto en contacto con George W. Bush para que los humoristas gráficos seais considerados "organización terrorista". No sabéis la que os espera.

    No estaré a vuestro lado cuando comiencen a silbar las bombas.

  2. Ya es bien conocida la manía que le tienen los gobiernos menos "democráticos" a los humoristas. Son los que verdaderamente retratan la realidad de un país. Haciendo especial hincapie en sus defectos.
    El humor es el verdadero enemigo del absolutismo. La diminuta lanza que lucha contra el molino.
    Genial la viñeta.

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